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Friday, November 28, 2008

Days Eighty-Nine and Ninety

Scripture reference: Luke 24:36-49

I decided, since we were concluding today, to add both days. I have no idea what Christ has done in your life through these past 90 days, nor you mine. But if He has done similar to you---what He has done in me....girls, I don't know how we sit to type!

There have been many days in this journey, after reading your comments and reading the pages I have wept before the Lord. This has tendered my heart in so many ways.

Now as Beth has shared with you her thoughts on the fear, fright and temporary unbelief of Jesus' own, I feel another direction. Let's look at verse 45 of the passages we read from today. "Then he opened their minds to understand these many Scriptures." Luke 24:45

He had explained. He had held out His hands and directed them to see His feet! What more evidence did they need? Still they were unsure. I like what Beth said in her paraphrased version, "Boys, you don't have a mental file already prepared to stick this information in. This one won't compute intellectually. Quit trying. Just behoLd and believe." Right. Have faith. Show a little trust here.

I have been praying for God to reveal the Word to me---my mind---my heart---and to show up in my life! I want HIM to work fully in me and through me!

The Scripture reference for the final day of study is Luke 24:50-53.

Then Jesus led them to Bethany, and lifting his hands to heaven, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up to heaven. They worshiped him and then returned to Jerusalem filled with great joy. And they spent all of their time in the Temple, praising God. (NLT)

I remember when I was an older teen, at my home church, a revival broke out in a powerful way. Souls were saved, lives forever changed and God was sought. I remember going to school the next day after particularly awesome services when the Holy Spirit was so strong and still having that "high"---that feeling of awe at what we had felt. God was moving---because people were seeking. Are we seeking Him with the same fervency today?

In 1Corinthians 15:2 Paul writes in a letter to the Church at Corinth... "By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain."

Beth writes, "Jesus Christ walked the way of humanity so that humanity could walk the way of God." He paved the way. He gave us the perfect and ultimate example of life. Of love, grace, mercy--compassion--and true fulfillment of a life following and seeking God with all our heart.

What do we do with what we have learned? Well, He gave me the exact word on a day and at a time I needed it most of all.

The day that Rese, my dear friend and pastor's wife from my home church, called me to ask if I would be willing to speak at the Women's Christmas Tea. Well, after I told her that I would and hung up the phone, the enemy started. Immediately. "You've been to this before---do you remember how many women attend this?"

"Yes I do!"

"Do you possibly think you can do this?"

"With Christ I can do all things." Of course the Lord was speaking the rebuttle to my heart---from what I had learned over the years of leaning on and trusting in Him. The ride home that day was long. Very long. I cried most of the way. Talking with God. Trying not to listen to the enemy.

When I had almost made it home, I was praying to the Lord, "Father, You remember I did tell You that I would do anything You asked of me. But Lord, You know I'm not a good speaker. You know how I sound? Do You remember?" Well of course, He reminded me He knew EXACTLY how I sounded! (I really ask Him stupid questions.) As I drove on, I asked Him to show me---tell me---let me know what You desire of me---'if You would only just speak it out to me!'....and then He did. Right before my eyes and right straight as an arrow into my heart. Oh how I love Him!

Crossing a bridge, about 3 miles from home, a white van comes up on my right side on the 4 lane. On the side of the van is a picture of a cross, some sheep, and the words, "Feed my sheep." I started squalling. Not a pretty site. I began thanking Him. I have never before seen that van. But He meant for me to see it that afternoon. He meant for me to see the message. The one to me. Personally. He is such a personal God.

Sisters, I have to tell you---ask Him for what you have need of. Seek Him with all your heart. Live for Him and walk with Him. Devote your self and time to Him as never before. I want to be found working in His fields. I want to be found doing what He has asked of me.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. (2Corinthians 1:3-5 NIV emphasis mine)

Sisters, it has been a pleasure and a privilege to meet with you here everyday. I can't say when I have ever enjoyed anything as much as I have this. You are a strong bunch of women! God sees your strength---and He will use that strength to bring glory to Him!

I leave you with Beth's closing words, "He is changeless. But you and I were destined for change. So determined is God to transform us, we cannot draw near Him and remain the same."

I want my life to reflect Him. Everyday---in every situation. More of Him and less of me.

We love you sisters!

Keeping the Faith,


P.S. Don't leave just because this study is finished! There will be a give-away among the sisters that have joined us! Also more news is coming on the "testimony blog", Joined Together. Please consider sending me your testimony---maybe something particular---or how you found Christ! It is a great encouragement to others! We will start that up soon!

P.S.S. Details of the giveaway will be posted next week---so check back! And the next study---which will begin in January (not sure when exactly) will be forthcoming!