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Monday, January 5, 2009

A Letter From Heaven

Dearest Sisters,

I love what you're doing for the Lord! It is so exciting to see and hear the good reports being broadcast throughout heaven of the lives being touched and hearts changing---eyes looking to Christ! As it is written in the Most Holy Word, "Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfector of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God's throne."

Paul's words are so fitting for what I need to share---however, I will change the word "brothers" to "sisters"---for dear ones, that is what you are!

"When I came to you, sisters, announcing the testimony of God to you, I did not come with brilliance of speech or wisdom. For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. And I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. My speech and my proclamation were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and power, so that your faith might not be based on men's wisdom, but on God's power." (1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Holman CSB) I can say with all assurance for your sometimes weary hearts, "No eye has seen, no ear heard and you could not imagine---try as you might---the glories awaiting your souls---what God has prepared for those who truly love Him!" (paraphrased 1 Corinthians 2:9) I think, after having met that dear brother Paul, who penned those words to the Church at Corinth, he truly meant an exclamation point to end that sentence! He is full of the brightest joy you can imagine!

If I could share with you my heart from this side today, it would be, keep on. Go further. Tell more. Love deeper. Live everyday as if you'd not have another. Take delight in the simple things. See God in everything. Let go of the burdens you are trying to carry alone. He really is there to lift you up! Most of all, never quit---don't look back. Only ahead at what lies before you! The journey is so worth the destination!---no matter how rocky at times.

It's almost time! We are anticipating the trumpet sound as you are! For when that sound is heard---we will be joined again! And joined as the spotless Bride of Christ! I love you all!

Keeping the faith!


Now, before anyone thinks I've lost my marbles, ---I do know that this didn't come from Wanda---but if she could share with us today...maybe this is what she would encourage us to do. Don't you think?

In my cleaning out and going through books, I found one of her note cards that I had bought her several years ago. Only one card left. It is blank. The message was clear to me. No words could express fully the joy, the prize, the splendor she has experienced so far! I am glad for her...although there are days my heart aches to see her. I know one day soon we will!

After the funeral service, I became violently ill at the graveside. Jeff got me to the bathroom at the backside of the church just in time. No necks were hugged, no further condolences accepted, I needed bed rest. I think it was a virus, Jeff thought it was stress and strain. Nevertheless, it was sickness that laid me out.

Back at mother's house, in her clean pajamas and shivering with a chill in her bed, the movie of the week began to replay over in my mind. Slow motion. As I lay there and wept, words came to me, almost of their own volition. I tried to call out to Aimee to bring me a pencil and paper so that I might take them down to remember, but my voice was weak from being sick and the bustle of the house by that time, too loud to be heard. I silently prayed that the Lord would help me remember the words that seemed to fly to my heart from an unknown Land. I posted them along with the poem that Aimee had written about Wanda's life in February of 2o08. I share them again now.

Family, don't cry for me now.
For the place I am saving,
Is for the way you are each paving,
That others should know Him.
As we were all taught.

So love one another,
Clinging only to Him,
Know that I'm whole now,
And happy with Him.

For you all I'll be waiting,
Just a hop skip and jump,
Soon you'll all join me,
Why, you're over the hump!

Remember it takes dedication,
Determined heart too,
The way won't be easy,
But this I know you can do.

For you'll be led by the Master,
His hand you hold tight,
And remember to love Him
With all of your might.

Talk to you later!

Love, Wanda


Sisters of faith---readers so faithful, keep on keeping on! It is a true honor and joy to know and share life and faith with each of you! Every single one of you blessed mine and Aimee's life immeasurably by your participation to the Bible Study!

We love you all!

Keeping the Faith,
