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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sisters of Faith Presents…



Some mighty incredible sistas!! All together in one place!

Girls, this promises to be the most incredible time you could ever imagine! 

Already Marsha, of Marsha’s Musings is settin’ on go to give away a “free” registration to this event!

A note to our regular readers (if we have any)--We want you to do several things:  .

*Pray for us.  All of the speakers, the workers, the bloggers who want to come, the worship leader, the prayer team, the cooks, and the transportation for all! 

*Pray for the anointing in the worship services—for lives to be touched, women blessed, and ministered to!

*Pray for the LORD to provide a way for you to come!

We will be learning LOTS and having fun while doing so! These ladies are full of fun and information on how you can get started blogging and turn that blog into ministry for Jesus Christ!

There will also be personal testimonies shared—did I already mention you will be BLESSED? YOU will!  You will hear from all the sweet faces pictured!

To get a sneak peek at the workshops, head over to “Free To Be Me Bloggers Retreat” and click your heart away in the sidebar!

Be sure and visit Lisa Shaw (you’ll find her over in the sidebar), she is doing a special VLOG for the retreat (I think that’s what it’s called) and you can see it tomorrow!

Our keynote speaker is Mary Snyder --- you will LOVE her---she will have you laughing and, yes maybe even crying--- she will bless you with her wit and wisdom from life’s experiences and the Word!

We cannot wait until October---there is much going on in our little corner of the world! We hope to see you here!

BE SURE you stay tuned to the Free To Be Me Bloggers Retreat site…there will be updated information continually---you can register there and see who else is coming!

So---what are you waiting for?

Keeping the Faith~

Angie and Aimee!

SheSpeaks Conference 036