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Thursday, January 29, 2009

About Angie

Angie comes from all things Southern. Southern cooking, Southern speaking, and Southern heat--just to name a few!

She was born in South Alabama, and raised and still living in Northwest Florida, her house is usually filled with activity.  With the grandchildren that come and go, to the dog(s) that "stay", and her most devoted reader, husband, Jeff of more than 28 years, life is fast paced.  She considers herself blessed more than most women, for Jeff is well known for his awesome "cakes" that are the first to go at any church dinner or social gathering!  He is her most dedicated prayer partner!  Leading their lives closer to God each day.

Angie's blog, "The Knightly News" began quite by accident (or maybe not), and she will tell you about it if you give her half a chance!  Her life has taken a new twist, with the recent changes from working at a law office for the past 10+ years to full time writing and part time speaking.  Her faith is exploding as God pours message after message into her heart.

Her family has made a lasting impact on her life. The experience of growing up in a (mostly) single parent home, has taught her faith in God--as well as, various--- sometimes necessary skills, such as, using a chain saw and axe, since the house they lived in was heated almost solely by a fireplace!  You probably didn't need to know all that, but she likes to be "real".

As she learned of Jesus from her mother's heart, she soon realized that is exactly where real life and strength lies--in Jesus Christ.

As she pours her heart into writing devotions to encourage women of all ages, she is blessed beyond measure by the paths the Lord has enabled her to cross! The deepest desire of her life is to live pleasing to the Lord and lead others to a relationship with Him.  Angie desires to see you grow in Jesus!

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:17-18