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Thursday, January 29, 2009

About Aimee

Aimee has a gift for sharing God's love--just as she has received it...freely.

She writes devotional blogs on the Sisters of Faith site....when she has time--and when Angie twists her arm. She is really good at it...but the life she lives...just gets in the way of pursuing her writing career! (Kidding. Aimee is doing EXACTLY what she was called to do.)

As busy wife, mother of one teenage daughter, Valaree, and one young adult son, Brad.  That really seems impossible to her! Pastoring along side her husband, Juno, she juggles her job as a registered nurse, weekend Sunday School Teacher, and amid all the hustle bustle of church life, she is a sister.

She mother's those that need mothering, counsels those in need of counsel and loves on everyone she meets. She shares Jesus. In every aspect of her life.

Aimee can brighten the mood of any room the minute she opens her mouth. Always considered the family story-teller (not fibs) and comedian, she has kept them all laughing through the pain and trials of life---even with tears of her own.

With insight into God's word, she participates with Angie in their almost daily, driving devotions. Her passion is helping others through the skills and talents the Lord God blessed her with, and together as sisters, Aimee and Angie make up the Sister's of Faith writing team.